

The SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, are guidelines for companies, governments, institutions and people who wish to create a more sustainable present and future, with greater equality among people and respect for biodiversity. Let’s understand below how these guidelines apply in some ecosystems.


The SDGs were established by the UN (United Nations) in 2015, stipulating 17 objectives, with 169 goals, so that people from all over the world can have a guarantee of a dignified life, with protection of the environment, eradication of poverty, access to basic rights such as food and water, and enjoy peace and prosperity.

All objectives are interconnected, in a way that the sectors that make up a society can take the actions that compete with them for a sustainable world.

The SDGs applied in companies are given especially through the Global Compact:

“A call for companies to align their strategies and operations with the Ten Universal Principles in the areas of Human Rights, Work, Environment and Anti-Corruption and to develop actions that contribute to facing society’s challenges”.

In the Global Compact, tools are shared for compliance with the Ten Principles, the SDGs, the ESG, leadership and good practices, building a network of information and exchanges so that companies can also become agents of positive transformation.


Orizon is a waste recovery and environmental engineering company. Through ecoparks, hazardous waste treatment and disposal units and waste transfer station, the company disposes of solid waste correctly, transforming it into energy, biogas, carbon credits and much more.

Of the 17 SDGs, Orizon VR, in 2021, made five commitments that are aligned with its ESG strategy and integrated within the 5 axes that we present below:


Environmental Valuation is at the heart of Orizon, which is dedicated precisely to waste management, acting against climate change, as poor management of waste impacts on soil and atmosphere pollution due to the high emission of GHGs (greenhouse gases).

Urban solid waste received by the company is treated in such a way as to reduce environmental impacts, from collection to final disposal. A major innovation in the management of this waste is its transformation into biogas, biomethane, carbon credits and reused water.

Integrated ODS:

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth.

SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production.

SDG 13 – Action against climate change.


Orizon is part of Novo Mercado, B3 ‘s highest level of corporate governance. This is an important axis to ensure that the company provides a safe and positive environment for its employees, shareholders and other stakeholders.

Among its commitments are transparency, ethics, equity, accountability and corporate responsibility.

Integrated ODS:

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth.

SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production.


Relations between Orizon and its employees are of paramount importance, guided by trust, transparency and dignity, reinforced by its Code of Ethics.

Decent working conditions, appreciation and development of employees, care for safety and health promotion are part of the actions of the Human Capital Axis, which are valued by the company.

Integrated ODS:

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth.

SDG 10 – Reduction of inequalities.


The Financial Capital Axis is important for sustainable companies, which must generate innovation with a view to project viability and monetary commitment to employees, suppliers, shareholders and others. The financial result of the company, which is publicly traded, is transparent.

Integrated ODS:

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth.


Orizon ‘s social responsibility is linked to employees, customers and surrounding communities. It is necessary to ensure that the solutions offered by the company have a positive impact on everyone involved, directly or indirectly.

The company’s social responsibility actions include initiatives such as:

  • Local communities: hiring local residents; lectures, thematic workshops, social projects, campaigns, education, donations, visitation programs, fairs and events; support for NGOs such as the Preserve Movement.
  • Environmental Education Program: promotes qualified discussion on waste and the environment, encouraging changes in behavior.
  • Communication channels to facilitate access by interested parties to the company.
  • Innovation and technology: innovation and technology to generate clean energy, develop the circular economy and protect the environment and the health of the population. Partnerships with universities through the Research and Innovation Program, resulting in new technologies.
  • Emergency management: through the preservation of the Environment, meeting the current legal requirements applicable to its businesses. Compliance with practices to ensure the health and safety of employees.
  • Chain of suppliers that follow the same ethical principles as Orizon.

Integrated ODS:

SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure.

SDG 10 – Reduction of inequalities.

SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production.

To learn more about our work on the SDGs, check out Orizon’s full sustainability report.

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