Source: O GLOBO – 02/10/2024
Fires at the landfill started a blaze that lasted six days and spread across six municipalities in the Chapada dos Veadeiros region, Goiás
Near the river in Maraú
ABREMA also identified issues in the Pantanal and Bahia. In the Peninsula of Maraú (BA), a landfill is located just 12 meters from the Tabatinga River, which flows into a region of famous beaches such as Taipu de Dentro. In Mato Grosso, the capital’s landfill was deactivated, but waste accumulated from 1997 to 2022 still poses a risk to the Cuiabá River and its tributaries, which supply the Pantanal. Cuiabá, Vargem Grande, and Santo Antônio do Leverger have signed contracts to manage waste with the Ecoparque Pantanal, landfill of the Orizon Group. However, the 14 municipalities in the Cuiabá River Valley still use landfills.
— When improperly discarded waste decomposes, it generates leachate or biogas. The leachate contaminates the soil and groundwater, and the biogas contains methane, which is 27 times more polluting than CO2 — warns Rodrigo Menezes, regional manager of Orizon.