Renewable Energy and Gas
A renewable, clean and safe source that helps diversify the Brazilian energy matrix

A future in which garbage is no longer a problem and becomes a source of raw materials and renewable energy is already present for us.
BioE is the fulfillment of our purpose of building a renewable sources platform that aims to transform waste into raw material and renewable energy.
The generation of renewable electricity takes place by capturing the Biogas produced in our Ecoparks in a process of feeding motor generators to transform the gas into clean electricity.
We have the ability to generate:
More than 800,000 MWh per year of incentive energy on the grid, the equivalent number to meet the energy demand of a city of 1 million people like Maceió or São Gonçalo/RJ.

BioE has Biomethane as one of its products, a renewable natural gas obtained through the purification of Biogas, allowing for the replacement of natural gas of fossil origin, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas, which has the potential to meet the needs of humanity for cleaner fuels.
Another differential of this renewable molecule is that it can be distributed through a gas pipeline network, by land transport, in compressed or even liquefied form.
BioE represents a breakthrough in the low-carbon economy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to reducing reliance on fossil sources.
We started the operation of our first Biomethane plant in 2022: The Green Economy is already a reality for us and an advance in the sustainable agenda designed to meet current needs without compromising the future of the next generations.
Potential capacity to generate 1.25 million m³/day of Biomethane
We see in garbage a potential to promote sustainability!
Our raw material is: