
Orizon signs contract with Neogás for biomethane project

Orizon signs contract with Neogás for biomethane project Photo Getty Images
Orizon continues to expand into the biomethane segment | Photo: Getty Images

Source: O Especialista – 11/13/2024.

Banco Safra has a Buy recommendation for Orizon, seeing the company offering strong growth potential and trading at a discount.

Orizon (ORVR3) announced that it has signed a 10-year agreement with Neogás to develop a biomethane project to produce an average of 35k m³ of biomethane per day using biogas produced at the Tremembé Ecopark.

Orizon continues advancing with new projects. According to Banco Safra, this was a positive step for Orizon, which continues to expand into the biomethane segment and, more importantly, mitigates risks perceived by some investors regarding potential biomethane demand in the gas segment.

Safra believes the company can continue prioritizing assets near large gas consumer markets and developing projects across most of its landfills.

Safra recommends buying Orizon

Banco Safra has a Buy recommendation for Orizon, seeing the company offering strong growth potential, trading at a discount compared to international peers, and providing multiple growth alternatives in the waste management segment.

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