Orizon makes an agreement to sell biomethane to Neogás

Source UOL – 11/12/2024 SÃO PAULO (Reuters) – Orizon Waste Valorization announced this Tuesday an agreement for the sale of biomethane to Neogás, guaranteed by Ultragaz, part of the Ultrapar group. The agreement involves supplying Neogás, acquired by Ultragaz in 2022, with an estimated average volume of 35,000 cubic meters of biomethane per day starting […]
Orizon makes an agreement to sell biomethane to Neogás

Source: Terra – 11/12/2024 Orizon Waste Valorization announced this Tuesday an agreement for the sale of biomethane to Neogás, guaranteed by Ultragaz, part of the Ultrapar group. The agreement involves supplying Neogás, acquired by Ultragaz in 2022, with an estimated average volume of 35,000 cubic meters of biomethane per day starting in the third quarter […]
Orizon (ORVR3) will supply biomethane to Neogás, from Ultragaz (UGPA3)

Source: Space Money by José Chacon – 12/11/2024. Under the contract, the company will supply an average of 35,000 cubic meters of compressed biomethane per day. The Orizon (ORVR3) announced on Tuesday (12) that it signed a long-term contract for the sale of biomethane, lasting 10 years, to be produced at its Tremembé Ecopark. The […]
Orizon signs agreement to produce biogas at Estre landfill in Piratininga (SP)

Source: Valor Econômico by Felipe Laurence – 10/22/2024 Operations are expected to start in 2027, with a daily production of 25,000 cubic meters. Orizon announced on Tuesday (22) an agreement for the exploration of biogas from the landfill operated by Estre Ambiental in the city of Piratininga (SP). The partnership follows the same parameters as […]