How ESG and the circular economy drive sustainable business

The growing concern of society with environmental and governance issues has led large companies to strengthen their strategies in ESG and Circular Economy to drive sustainable businesses. While ESG sets goals for positive impact, the Circular Economy provides the necessary tools to achieve them. These concepts, though distinct, complement each other and are fundamental for […]

The Importance of Involving Young People in Environmental Education Projects

A importância do envolvimento de jovens em projetos de educação ambiental destaque

Sustainability is a practice that benefits the collective good, and everyone should have access to it, both as beneficiaries and as agents of change. To achieve this, the engagement of all fronts—political, business, and social—is crucial. Within this concept, we can say that the involvement of communities and youth in environmental education is the foundation […]

Orizon appoints Hamilton Amadeo as new Chief Operating Officer

O que significa valorização de resíduos e quais as vantagens?

Source: Valor Econômico by Felipe Laurence – 10/07/2024 The executive is the chairman of the Copasa board and was the president of Aegea Saneamento between 2011 and 2020. Orizon announced on Monday (7) that Hamilton Amadeo has been appointed as the new Chief Operating Officer of the company. He replaces Dalton Assumção Canelhas Filho, who […]



The SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, are guidelines for companies, governments, institutions and people who wish to create a more sustainable present and future, with greater equality among people and respect for biodiversity. Let’s understand below how these guidelines apply in some ecosystems. WHAT ARE THE ODS AND HOW THEY APPLY IN COMPANIES The SDGs were […]